Monday 27 January 2014

Audience Questionnaire:RESULTS

Audience Feedback
I put out a Audience questionnaire using 'Survey Monkey' and here are my results...

 I knew that the majority of my target audience would be female so I asked females between the ages of 11-45 (and over). From my results I have noticed that the majority of people watch music videos online, so I will have to pay close attention of how to target an online audience as there will be a lot of competition due to the vast numbers of videos on the internet. According to my questionnaire the majority of people prefer narrative and performance rather than concept music videos so that will be something to consider. 100% of those who took my questionnaire said that they enjoyed dance routines in music videos and therefore it is something I will consider for my video, although my chosen song may not suit a dance routine it is definitely worth considering.

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