Friday 2 May 2014


I decided that for my advert I would use the same picture which can be found on the back of my digipak, it is slightly differently edited which helps to distinguish between the two however they are similar enough to create a continuity between products. I included the various outlets which the album would be available for download from and explained all the components which will come with the album. Other features seen on the advert include the name of the album, date of release and Ellie's website and reviews which would help provide and incentive for people to buy it. I also included links to my music video for "Figure 8" on the poster as it helps promote this individual product. Another feature which I quite like on the poster is the "EG" logo I created. It features throughout the digipak and I think it promotes it as specific to Ellie Goulding and also helps create a brand identity for the products. I also used similar fonts as seen on the digipak which helps create continuity throughout the products. I'm really happy with the way the final product turned out as I think it looks quite professional and presents Ellie Goulding in a warm, inviting way which will appeal to the target audience and will help promote the products.

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